The Best Version of Ourselves

black, labrador, retriever, best, dog, pooch, puppy, expression, wisdom, seriousWe all have aspirations to be the best we can be. We all have former selves of which we are most likely improvements  upon our them. We also all have visions of ourselves, and we all have a specific reality of self. I prefer to give everybody the royal treatment; the utmost of respect, patience, attention and the best of me I can muster at any given time.

Sometimes my best might be my worst, and sometimes, it might be heavenly. When my best is lacking, I try to apologize, if I recognize it. Regardless of what my behavior is I also don’t know what another person’s behavior might be, whether it be his or her best, worst or somewhere in between. So, if I happen upon another person whose behavior is unbecoming, to say the least, I give them the benefit of the doubt to say that he or she might be at his/her worst at that particular time and might need some leniency.

We have all had difficult times, and we never know just how difficult a time somebody else has gone through or could be going through. So I try my hardest to treat everybody with patience and compassion. And only hope that others might show me the same kindness if and when I might ever been in need of the same. I figure that is all we can ever do as we are, after all, human. I think I may have learned this lesson from my dog, perhaps, who is always the best and thinks I am too. 😀